Jyoti and Nikunj Parekh have been active in the field of Bonsai with a large number of prize-winning Bonsai
in their collection. They are recognized worldwide for their Bonsai methods and techniques and have authored several books on the subject. Parekhs are regularly conducting Bonsai & Gardening courses in Mumbai, across India and now online as well. They have given a number of Bonsai demos the world over.
Formed the Bonsai Study Group of The Indo-Japanese Association. A number of students and talented teachers in India underwent training with the Parekhs. Widely traveled, both of them trained under experts like John Naka of USA, Saburo Katoh, Toshio Kawamoto, Tom Yamamoto and Susumu Nakamura of Japan. The late Mr. Kenzo Ogata introduced them to the world of Japanese landscape garden design. The Parekhs have always willingly shared their knowledge to an ever-increasing number of enthusiasts through lectures, demonstrations, workshops, exhibitions not only in India but also in Sri Lanka, the U.K., Japan, USA and Europe and Hong Kong.
Jyoti was invited as the sole delegate representing India at the 1st World Bonsai & Suiseki Exhibition & Convention at Osaka, Japan.
The Parekhs co-authored a book, WONDERWORLD OF TROPICAL BONSAI in English
and Hindi.
By 1984, the Parekhs co-authored a book, WONDERWORLD OF TROPICAL BONSAI in English
and Hindi.
Jyoti & Nikunj created a unique Bonsai mural, depicting a complete scenery; trained to live long.
In the summer of 1987, they presented demonstrations on this art at Heidelberg, London, New York and Honolulu. They were the first official Indian experts to be invited to the International Bonsai Congress '87 held in Minneapolis, USA.
1989 was a landmark year in the history of Bonsai art in India, when Nikunj was invited to become honorary director of World Bonsai Friendship Federation, representing South Asia Region. In the same year, Bonsai Friendship Federation of India (BCI) was founded under his leadership.
The prestigious JAL World Bonsai Contest selected a photo entry by Nikunj as one of the Best 100 Bonsais of the world.
Again, in the year 2000, Jyoti & Nikunj Parekh won mention in the list of best 100 Bonsai entries in JAL World Bonsai Contest 2000. Over a period of time they have won many such awards.